Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Module 1 : Learning and Teaching Styles for Primary Students

Basically this document especially in this Module focus on the characteristics of young learners and their learning styles that affect the second language acquisition.

What we should consider as a teachers is the characteristics of young learners such as:

  • They are learning to read and write in L1
  • They are developing as thinkers
  • They understand the differences between the real and the imaginary.
  • They can plan and organize how best to carry out an activity
  • They can work with others and learn from others
  • They can be reliable and take responsibility for class activities and routines.

The Module also provide us to 10 helpful ideas for teaching English to young learners :

  1. -Supplement activities with visuals, realia, and movements
  2. -Involve students in making visual and realia
  3. -Move from activity to activity
  4. -Teach in Themes
  5. -Use stories and context familiar to students
  6. -Establish classroom routines in English
  7. -Use L1 as a resource when necessary
  8. -Bring in helpers from the community
  9. - Collaborate with other teachers in your school
  10. -Communicate with other T.E.Y.L. professionals.

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