Friday, July 15, 2011


What is Glogster?

• Social network: create free interactive posters, or glogs. Multimedia learning management system.

• Glog: short for graphical blog, interactive multimedia image.
• It looks like a poster, but readers can interact with the content.
• Teenagers
• Text, images, photos, audio, videos, special effects and other elements into their glogs to
generate a multimedia online creation.
• Based on flash elements.
• Posters can be shared with other people.
• Glogs : can be exported and saved to computer-compatible formats.
• Visitors: can integrate dynamic multi-sensory resources into traditionally text-oriented

Friday, July 1, 2011

My own Personal Project E.S.P


This Is my personal Project, in which I decided to work with Physical Education Students from the same University in which I study.


English for Specific Purposes: This term refers to teaching a specific genre of English for students with specific goals. Examples include English for Academic Purposes (students will enter an English-speaking university), business English (for business people), medical English (for nurses, doctors, other health care professionals). ESP can be (as the name implies) very specific -- a growing market is English language computer support personnel. In sum, ESP is English for vocational purposes, where the word vocation is used loosely to include education and all kinds of employmemt.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Sometimes it is very hard to guide students through writing, plus most of the students don't like it very much. Well our job as teachers is to show how nice this can it be. So here I present 2 writing activities
The first one is for Primary School. And the second one is for Hight School

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reading Activities

This is my work about reading activities for 1° Medio. The second link is where are the text scrip for activities two and three


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My own WebQuest

In the following link you will be able to check a Web Quest which I created. I hope you can have a better idea about Web Quests with this one.

What is a Webquest?

A stereotypical "WebQuest" sees a team of students accessing Web sites in order to produce a technology-enhanced group product.
A Web-Quest also follows a structure

The Introduction stage is normally used to introduce the overall theme of the webquest. It involves giving background information on the topic and, in the language learning context, often introduces key vocabulary and concepts which learners will need to understand in order to complete the tasks involved.

The Task section of the webquest explains clearly and precisely what the learners will have to do as they work their way through the webquest. The task should obviously be highly motivating and intrinsically interesting for the learners, and should be firmly anchored in a real-life situation. This often involves the learners in a certain amount of role-play within a given scenario (e.g. you are the school social organizer and have to organize a trip for your class to an English-speaking country...)

The Process stage of a webquest guides the learners through a set of activities and research tasks, using a set of predefined resources. These resources - in the case of a webquest - are predominately web-based, and are usually presented in clickable form within the task document (it's important to bear in mind that it's much easier to click on a link than to type it in with any degree of accuracy). In the case of a language-based webquest, the Process stage of the webquest may introduce (or recycle) lexical areas or grammatical points which are essential to the Task. The Process stage of the webquest will usually have one (or sometimes several) 'products' which the learners are expected to present at the end. These 'products' will often form the basis of the Evaluation stage.

The Evaluation stage can involve learners in self-evaluation, comparing and contrasting what they have produced with other learners and giving feedback on what they feel they have learned, achieved, etc. It will also involve teacher evaluation of the same, and good webquests will give guidance to the teacher for this particular part of the process.

If there are some extra questions about what a webquest is all about, maybe this video can answer you those questions

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Primary class

With some classmate we had to perform a class for primary school students. So here we have the Lesson Plan we fallowed to do it.

We also recorded a video as extra material, to do the learning process meaningful.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Module 1 : Learning and Teaching Styles for Primary Students

Basically this document especially in this Module focus on the characteristics of young learners and their learning styles that affect the second language acquisition.

What we should consider as a teachers is the characteristics of young learners such as:

  • They are learning to read and write in L1
  • They are developing as thinkers
  • They understand the differences between the real and the imaginary.
  • They can plan and organize how best to carry out an activity
  • They can work with others and learn from others
  • They can be reliable and take responsibility for class activities and routines.

The Module also provide us to 10 helpful ideas for teaching English to young learners :

  1. -Supplement activities with visuals, realia, and movements
  2. -Involve students in making visual and realia
  3. -Move from activity to activity
  4. -Teach in Themes
  5. -Use stories and context familiar to students
  6. -Establish classroom routines in English
  7. -Use L1 as a resource when necessary
  8. -Bring in helpers from the community
  9. - Collaborate with other teachers in your school
  10. -Communicate with other T.E.Y.L. professionals.

A nice activity to a nursery class

Easy Ball Toss Game with Flashcards

"Ask the students to sit down and put the basket a few feet in front of them. You can adjust the distance depending on their age. Simply show the flashcard to the students, and ask them to repeat after you. Once they say the word correctly, they win the opportunity to try and get a point by tossing the ball in the basket".

This kind of activity is what kids more like, because involves sort of a competition and also you as a teacher can help them to improve their pronunciation, and the vocabulary too.

When you are working with children sometimes it is hard to keep them concentrated the whole time, so this kind of games help them to relax and then continuous with the normal class

Nursery School

One of the most useful tool to teach English to little kids is the story telling, because :

1. The story is engaging

2. The story teller is engaging

3. The listener can participate in it.

Now the story teller has to choose a correct story according of course to the level of English that his/her class has. Also the story teller must make the story interesting and fun so children won't be bored.

Usually young learners are:







So the best technique we can use is T.P.R to keep them interested in the class. Also we have to consider that our class with children must be full of practices, enjoyable, supported, purposeful and social. So in this way the learning process will be meaningful to the students, even though they are young learners.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Supplementary Materials

First of all when we are talking about supplemental materials, we are talking about materials which we can use to reinforce our English classes like:

  • HotPotatoes

  • Wikis

  • Podcast

  • Youtube Videos

  • Online Quiz

  • Blogs

  • Videos

  • Flash cards
Now here you have some links in which you can use these extra materials. But there is not any software , program or virtual classroom which can replace the teaching work. This web pages are just for helping us to guide our students into their learning process but we can not leave the whole work to them, because as i already said, nothing replace a good teacher.

Evaluation of a Coursebook

I analyzed this Course book 7° Básico Travelers (Alvarado Lina). And my conclusion is that this Coursebook might be used just if the teacher has extra material to complement this coursebook with. Because in general terms this book needs some extra practics in speaking and listening comprehension.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How necesary is a Coursebook?

In a really personal opinion I think that a Coursebook is totally necessary in an English learning process. Not just because it is a guide which privies a clear framework to the teacher about what they are going to study first and what is next. But also it gives autonomy to the learner, in terms of he/she can use the Coursebook to learn new material being less teacher-dependent making the learning process meaningful.

What is a Course book?

The term Coursebook means a textbook of which the teacher and, usually, each student has a copy, and which is in principle to be followed systematically as the basis for language course.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My own Syllabus

Syllabus Séptimo Básico School: Liceo Hispano Americano

Instructor: John Christopher Walker Canelo

Office Hour: The appointment with the teacher required a previous phone call to his secretary

Location in the Curriculum: Lenguaje extranjero sub-sector Inglés

Course Description: This Course is going to work mainly with speaking and listening abilities, but also with writing an reading but in a secondary way.

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students are going to:
  • Develop the students' listening skills to enable them to understand and
    apply specific information from the input
  • Produce a natural oral conversation in English according to his/her personal needs.
  • Discriminate information in listening activities
  • Explain ideas and opinions using the second language.

Course Format: Classroom Course.

Course Requirement: Class Participation, Respect for the other students .The minimal grade to pass this class is a 4.0

Required Text: 7° Básico Travelers (Alvarado Lina)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Syllabus

When we are talking about The Syllabus we are talking about of a guide in which specify all the things that are be taught during the course

Some characteristics that might have our Syllabus are:

  1. Comprehensive list of contents items (Words, Structures, Topics) and process (Tasks, Methods).
  2. It's ordered (easier, more essential items first).
  3. It has explicit objectives (usually expressed in the introduction)
  4. It is a public document
  5. May indicate a time schedule
  6. May indicate a preferred methodology or approach
  7. May recommend materials

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy is a very useful tool which allow us to organize the material, and also the abilities, that we want to develop into our students. The verbs that are presented in this Taxonomy help us especially during the process of the lesson plan for every class.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Some basic Concepts

When we are talking about methodology we talk about how we are going to teach. And for teaching a second language we have to consider some concepts in our planning like:

-Strategies: In terms of the technique we are going to use in our classroom

-Principles: Especially for kids, or teenagers in terms of respect

-Culture: Knowing that when we teach a language we also teach the culture of the countries where that language is speaking (in this case could be USA, New Zealand, England, Australia etc)

-Skills: We can never forget that we have to develop the four linguistics abilities ( speaking, listening, writing, and reading)

-Metacognition: The student must be aware about his own learning process and check what is his or her weaknesses.